2013.04.10. 16:09

Assumption: Everything is design.


If this assumption is correct the title should be Me in relation to everything.  What is everything?


Assumption number 2: Everything made by human is design.


If this assumption is correct the title should be Me in relation to the human made things.


Assumption number 3: Human made things are existing objects therefore a human act (feelings) can’t be designed.

If this assumption is correct the title should be Me in relation to the human made objects.


But. How can I judge human made objects without feelings? Without touching, tasting, seeing them. Can the taste be designed? Is studying nothing else just a learning process how to design our surroundings? There are differences between Art and Design? What is the difference between my homemade dinner and a dinner in a five star restaurant. The act -eating- is the same the result is the same why do I have different feelings after all?

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