2013.10.29. 14:45


                         un | : | wanted memories




                        Capturing the moments. Capturing the time. Capturing the memories.

 There are moments I want to remember. Forever if it’s possible. My “forever” which only could be the period of my life. There is no other forever for me. My time is limited.

 Why do I feel if I take a photo I can reserve my memories? Do I really believe that the photograph I took once will survive and last till the end of the time?

 I have so many questions. Photo’s are the answers. They do not ask. They don’t have questions. They are the “truth”, they are the present. It shows that tiny period of the eternity in which I am actually existing.

 For a moment? What is life if not moments next to each other? All has the same length. They are moments. But some feels longer and some feels shorter to me. Even if I know it has to be the same amount of time. How long is a moment exactly?

 Life is nothing else just moments. Moments are memories. Can I capture my memories?

 For sure I can capture my body, my surrounding, my objects, but I can’t capture my soul. My soul is part of the memories but it is never visible. My soul is the moment itself.

                                        There are moments I do not want to remember.

                                              Those are my unwanted memories.



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