2013.05.28. 20:23

Everyone is just a different cover of the same story


We are not humans. Or let’s say it in another way -we are just humans. We are not original. We belong to stories and not stories belong to us. Everything before us was already written we are writing it again. We are just rewrite the same old story. The only one; which exist. There is only one story. We born and then we die. We can’t change the beginning and the end of our story. It doesn’t matter what we've done between the very first word, the first chapter and the very last word the last chapter. Everything is in parenthesis. Religion, believe, thoughts are in the parenthesis. We don’t really know a lot about what are these 2 parenthesis that we have. We try to visualize it, we try to talk about it, we film it, we paint it, we make music about it, we are making infocharts  about the facts we know inside these 2 parenthesis. We think we can control ourselves and our surroundings. We are busy with building up shelters we are busy with destroying those shelters. Shelters to save our existence and our reality. We are defining ourselves as a creative person. The one who does something. But we fail all the time. We fail to do, we fail to think. But we are not fail to dare. We dare to hope. We hope that it is matter what is happening inside the bracket.  Even if we know that the beginning and the end is irresolvable. Solving problems inside the bracket. Functionality and utility are the keywords for a designer. Solving other people’s problem. It doesn’t matter for a designer/artist how long. For a minute for decades or forever? Time does not exist to a designer. Time not exist to an artist. Time not exist to a story. Time only exist to the human being. Our time is limited.  The crucifix is nothing else just the unbented parenthesis. It reminds us all the time to the beginning and to the end. I can only talk about the religion I was in raised up. I can’t be solidary to everyone. I can’t understand everyone. I don’t have to understand everyone. It is enough if I try to understand the story. The only one; which exist.  To be political correct is just for the time. Time only exist to the human beings. Politics only exist to the time.


We are creating a reality to ourselves. We are escaping to augmented reality, we are capturing the reality we try to conquer our reality. Some of us trying to lose the reality what other ones gave to us, those people are outsiders, they consider themselves free but they are not free from the parenthesis. Maybe they are free in the content but they are nothing else just different covers of the same story. 


Everybody is writing a story. Or let me say like this. The story writes everyone. We were born and we will die. Dot.

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